Mon 27 Jan
o NW I N T O W N ★ NATURAL bautiful BRUNETTE o ★ o - 19
❗❌⭕❗o♥o°•★☆ §€XY, §€DUC†¡V€ ★°•DaNGERoUsLy •♛ D€L¡C¡OUs BrUn€††€ B€aU†¡€ !! ★☆•°o♥o°• ❗❌⭕❗ - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Off Of Cypress Creek i95)
-:¦:- O_o HAPPY -------- SUNDAY -------- SPECIAL o_O -:¦:- ? PLÂ¥MÂT ? §infull¥ §weet! - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, com/95 ---- -:¦:-VERY DISCREAT -:¦:-)
NW °°°°°° P!C ° @ *MU$T *S££ *F!LM! *WhO's *B@DD !! °° P!C - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, commerical /441)
★•°o°•★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o°•★ EXOTIC★•°o°•★ sexy& FUN★•°o°•★ PLAYMAT€ ★•°o - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, w.sunrise)
♥°o 2 P R E T T Y * E B O N Y * G I R L S * V I S I T I N G ♥°o - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Pembroke, I-95 incall/outcall)
o°•❤° ★ 100% █ * B : : A : : D _ ✖ _ G : : I : : R : : L * █ ★ Incall Specials •°o ☎954-934-6994☎ - 18
One day only**come see me for the best time of ur life guaranteed to leave u speechless** - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, fort lauderdale;broward;miami;)
o°•★ !'ll B€ ¥oUR F@VoRiiT€ N€W @DDii¢Tii0N★ •°o°P€T!T€•°o _WH!T€__ G!RL_★ ¢@LL M€ N0W!!! ★ - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Oakland Pk Blvd/ 441)
°o♥GORCHESS thick°o♥ B¡Gg BoOtY♥• CARIBBEAN BeAuTy BACK FRM NY! $70 SpCl ;-) - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, COMMERCIAL W/ i-95)
*N£W B€AUTY * PETiTE w/ *sexy* CURVES • RARξ ExΘT!c MODEL *classy * 『ExTReMeLy BEAuTiFUL』 - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, ** U Inside Me **)
No HOTEL FEE girls use our studio. GUYS meet Sexy GIRLS & You GIRLS meet GUYS. Free 4 All to VISIT.. - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Commer & I-95 The NEW STUDIO)
💋NO RUSH 💋 💎$60&Up;💎 HOT EXOTIC 🌹❣ 🎀Mixed & Petite🎀 INCALLS only🍦👠 [[Upscale Treat]] 💄💍✨ - 19
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Davie Blvd & 441, Ft Lauderdale)
💗💗 NeW 💗💗 Sweet🍭🍭 && Highly 🍭🍭Addicting 💉🍬🍭🍒TotAL SatisfactIoN !!!👌💋 Tiffany - 22
(All of Broward (OUTCALLS ONLY), Ft Lauderdale)
New Sensitive Sweet Sexy PRETTY JAMAICAN FREAK @ HOT PHOTO STUDIO,com. come visit me b 4 I go home.. - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, *$5O* PRIVATE PLACE not a hotel *$5O*)
((New Pics)) BeSt oF Both WoRld's 2 BiG B(o)(O)tiEs DoMiNiCan or BlaCk or BoTh!!! FreAky SeSsiOns - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial blvd west/turnpike or 2 u!)
(( NEW )) Xx Fantasy!!! ~SWEET B(u)TTeR*FLY~ *Petite B(a)rbie !!! *Real PiX !!! - 21
**** {New Pics} I W!ll G!ve U Something 2 Remember & Keep U Coming B@ck 4 More ;-) 50 Fre@ky Spec!@l - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, i95 & Sunrise Blvd.)
°New° (TWINS) B!g Ph@t BuNz & N¡¢ R@ck's..... 2 GIRL $peci@ls:140 - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Broward, Ives Dairy)
**** {New Pics} Cute & Super SeXy W!th A B!g Be@utiful Gorgeous Red @zz ;-) 50 Erotic Spec!@l ;-) - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, i95 & Sunrise Blvd.)
💛NEW 💛SP¡NN£R :-•*💛LOOKS•☆• GOOD•☆• FEELS •☆• EVEN •☆• BETTER 💛PLeaSurEs PLaYgRouND* V£R¥ JU¡C¥ - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, ★■FORT LAUDERDALE B£ACH/A1A■★)
》》》》→ NEW NUMBER!! ßr▲Nd N €₩ P¡c§! {`Ju$t T@k€n`} Døñt M¡§§ ø� NEW.NUMBER 《《《 - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft. L@Ãdêrd@Lë | DaV¡€)
**** {New Pics} SeXy W!th A B!g Be@utiful Gorgeous Chocolate @zz & T!Ts ;-) 40 Erotic Spec!@l ;-) - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, i95 & Sunrise, Oakland, & Commercial)
*NEW* °G O R G E O U S × °E*B*O*N*Y× ° H O T T I E - 22
♪♪♪♪♪♪ New GREAT MUSIC to your ears♪♪♪♪♪♪ BLACKRED B❄❄TY BARBIE - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, BROWARD OUTCALL Spec.)
New GIRL is @ The STUDIO. Please ask for "Hott GINGER" new new COPY ALL PICS (954) 681 7907.. - 21
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, DON'T B LAZY 2min off I-95 please come, Ft Lauderdale)
(NeW NeW GiRlS) TrUe BloNdE (SiMpLy StUNnInG)EbOnY ViXxeNs SpEcIaLs 70 - 20
((Visiting) Cypress W.P.B)
***{{{New Latina Big B@@ty Vicky}} $80 special Costarican dessert 954-534-1632 - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Davie, plantation, 595, 95)
New💕 LOLA 💕❤️🎀 ❤️CUBANA🎀hot girl❤️buusty - 25
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Ft lauderdale And airport area)
NEW Island Girl "TERRY" Please come c me. I am Polite Soft & SMELL GOOD. Slim & Trim (305) 417 0008 - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, DON'T B LAZY 2min off I-95)
NeW ೋ~* L o V e L y *ೋ* LaTiNa/EbOnY *ೋ* B e A u T Y ~ೋ~ NeW - 20
(Broward incalls/Outcall @ Your Place!)
💋 🎊 ✈️ NeW iN TOWN ! ! ! 🔔🎈🎉——» ★ DING !! - Click Here = GORGEOUS VIXEN 😘 HERE I AM . . .☎️ CALL NOW - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, 💜 Ft. Lauderdale💙Oak.Park 😘 Oakland blvd)
**¤™New in Town Big Booty Coco Baddest Vixen On The Web™**¤ Outbound Killer/Inbound 3057612020 - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, broward outbound/inbound 441 broward blv)
((((NEW I)))) GFE/ Fre@k___ SpeCi@l$ ^^^EbOnY and Sp@nish mix>>>> HOTTIE>>>CUM Pl@y B@D b0Y! - 19
* (New GorGeoUs EdonY) ★¯`':¦:- ( ErOtic ) ★ ¯`':¦:- (PlAyMaTe)* - 21
(In&Outcalls;/West Palm Beach)
24/7 New Girl In Town:Porn Star Here for a few days Only! 832 343 7676 The BEST you will ever have! - 21
(Ft Lauderdale/Miami)
New Girls to BIZZ , Freak SELENA 20yo Colombia, CARMEN, 22yo Peruvian - Japanese - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale)
(((((NeW in BacKpAgE)))))))))))))(((((((((((((((((((BoDYRuBs ONLY!!! 100%% REAL PIK)))))))))))))) - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, STATE RD/ 84/ AIRPORT AREA)
(NeW) GirLs in TowN (Gfe) _________ (NeW GirLs)________ Be ThE FirST To ExPerienCE ___SpeCiaLs - 21
(Ft Laud Incalls & Outcalls Tri County)
**¤New in Town Big Booty Coco Baddest Vixen On The Web**¤ Outbound Killer/Inbound 3057612020 - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, broward inbound/outbound)
New GIRLS BEST B0DY RUBS *200 FULL Relaxion Tip Inclid*We"re 0PEN Now*☎️ 9546529890*Couples welcome - 22
(Deerfield, Ft Lauderdale, Pompano)
☻ NEW ELITE ☻ EXOTIC ☻ SEXY ☻ E ☻ B ☻ O ☻ N ☻ Y 's - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, W.P.B.3 BLOCKs/ W I-95/AIRPORT/FL. MANGO)
NeW GiRLs __ L* A *S *T ___ D* A * Y ___ I* N ___ T* O *W * N ____ DoN'T MiSS OuT ((ViSiTiNG)) - 21
(Broward Incalls & Outcalls Tri County)
:: (¯★¯) NAUGHTY G!RLS DO IT BETTER (¯★¯) ::§X¥ B£onD FRAK & Ta§tY Bon¥ VixXxn - 20
NEW & STUNNING!!🎀💛••| Smooth Legs ➕ Grey Eyes ➕ PeTitE BoDy ➕Bubble B00tY! :=: S E X Y 💛🎀 - 24
N(e)W ______ ____ TropicAl iSland BeaUty____ _____ 80 incall 80 outcall Miami and ft lauderdale - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls and outcalls Hollywood Miami)
NEW*____ B ____ e ____ A ____ u ____ T ____ i ____ F ____ u ____ L ____ NEW* - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood/Hallandale)
N(e)W ______ ____ TropicAl iSland BeaUty____ _____ N(e)W ______ N(e)W _____80 SPC - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, FTL Airport incalls // Outcalls // SR84)
Nasty Blonde white babe here for your pleasure 150 hr tip included JUST U AND ME! 100 special! - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Marina Blvd and 95 or your place!)
NASTY NUDE Body Rubs **3O Spl* Big BOOTY BUTT. 2 All Fetish Girls. BLACK n WHITE (954) 696 6672..... - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, B@K ENTRY. Private Place. not a hotel)
NAUGHTY, WiLD & WeTtt _ SExXxY & PeTiTe _ NiCe n' TiGhT __ * B _L _O _N _D _E * - 19
(cypress creek and 95)
NEW!! _____ ♥ G..F..E... BLUE EYED BABE ♥ _______ B..B..B..J! - 22
Never Seen A B❤❤ty Like MIne Young Tight And Sexy Specials All Night Long - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls And Outcalls)
NAUGHTIEST S - E - X - Y °°°° E- B- O- N- Y °°° 1OO S-P-E-C-I-A-L { SMOKiNG HOT! }100 % - 23
[[ !!N3W*..X0TiC __ MØDL!! ]] ☆ {H0T MiXD B@UtY on bp.!} {:*10O% ReaL~} ♥ - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, In/Out | 239*324*6883 | The 1 & ONLY)
★ → ØN€ dا€ Of THIS♥P▓ L▓ A▓ Y ★ M ▓A ▓ T ▓ E & YØU Will b€ HØØk€D!!! - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, oakland park)
( N E W )—•—( A S I A N )—• —( G O D E S S )—•—( A V A I L A B L E )—•—( n O W ) - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale)
N(e)W ______ ____ TropicAl iSland BeaUty____ _____ N(e)W ______ N(e)W _____100SPC - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls and outcalls browsed and ft laud)
$ $ $ ______N e G o T i A b L e _____$$$ RATES_____ $$$ N e G o T i A b Le *RATES*___ $$ CALL NOW $$ - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Outcalls 🚗🎶)
NAughty and NiCe Sw€€t & S€x¥ ALL Am€RiCaN B€aUt¥'s 954-548-6936 80HH SpeCiaLs tiLL 3am ☆ - 27
(Deerfield, Discrete incalls Boca 95 & Palmetto, Ft Lauderdale)
**** My G00d P!nk W@rm Ju!cy Str@wberry W!ll G0 G00d W!th Y0ur C@ndy B@r ;-) 60 D@y Spec!@l !!! - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, i95 & Sunrise Blvd.)
★ ★ █Ms. Rachell iS LeAvINg█ ★ CaLL NOw★ ★ LEAviNg @ 11am - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, HOLLYWOOD ;-( *MY LAST DAY*)
██████ ◆ MONIQUE ◆ █████ ◆LAST NIGHT in LAUDERDALE Specials ◆ █████ ◆ MATURE COMPANION ◆ █████ - 49
(Ft Lauderdale, A!A Lauderdale discreet incall)
** My G00d!es R S0 G00d, N!ce Soft Ph@t Azz, Th!ck Pretty Legs & B!g T!Ts ;) 60 Spec!@l Available !! - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, i95 & Sunrise Blvd.)
**** My G00d P!nk W@rm Ju!cy Str@wberry W!ll G0 G00d W!th Y0ur C@ndy B@r ;-) 60 N!ght Spec!@l !!! - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, i95 & Sunrise Blvd.)
Sun 26 Jan
🔰ONLY SNAPCHAT🔰 Im years old 𝓛𝓸𝓷𝓵𝓮𝔂 Latina Curvy super sexy girl 🌺 𝕊𝕝𝕦𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕎𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 💥
( Fort Lauderdale)
💘💜💘young & beautiful💜💘💜💘754-234-0139💘💜warm service💜💜best feelings for you💜💘💘
(2975 w commercial Blvd #B Fort)
🔥bbbj 🔥new🔥young🔥 sexy🔥☎️561-578-3843☎️🔥🔥body to body🔥🔥69🔥best service🔥
(901 East Sample Rd ste B, Pomp)
💙🎀 🎀💚gfe🎀bbbj🎀69🎀nuru massage🎀b2b💙 🎀954-908-5522🎀💚new sexy girl💙🎀 🎀💚
(1325 E Commercial Blvd, Oaklan)
🔥bbbj 🔥new🔥young🔥 sexy🔥☎️561-578-3843☎️🔥🔥body to body🔥🔥69🔥best service🔥🔥
(901 East Sample Rd ste B, Pomp)
🟩🔴🟪🟡 new girl🟥🟡🟪 786-856-7987 🟪🟡🟩🔴 small and exquisite🟩🟥🟪 best choice🟥🟡🟪
(6770 Pines Blvd, Pembroke Pine)
💘💜💘young & beautiful💜💘💘754-400-7915💜warm service💜💜best feelings for you💜💘💘💜 - 23-26
(1410 S Federal Hwy Dania Beach 33004)