Sun 05 Jan
(NEW) M0st WANTED **vERy skilled ***You'll L0VE !! What i can DO 4 U VISITNG TODAY - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, (Sunrise Blvd and 441 (Incall Only)))
NEW IN TOWN!!! Exotic European and Hispanic Goddess Incall and Outcalls Available - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Oakland Park/441 in and outcalls avail)
New Hot & Sexy brunette !! New in the area, Waiting for a big strong guy! - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial & 441)
👄👅👄*My name is "LaLa" Red ALERT~Mango Juicy/New Pics~bhadd* 954-793-5114 - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, INCALLS BRWD 441 🏩🏩🏩)
~*~* Ms BeAuTiFuL HeRe FoR FuN N ReAdY To B Ur SwEeTiE 40 SpEciAL *~*~ - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Broward and 441 & outcalls)
SILVIA.....I love white boys.... 💯WOMAN...can u handle....$!0PPY M0uTh Spls... - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, oakland blvd & 441)
Sheeesh !!!! --- S P E C I A L rate available to a select few ... You must call 4 the secret rate! - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, CoMMerCiaL & 441 - In Out)
♥•~•♥•~Sexy Ebony Princess Ready at your service 24/7 * 10/15 SPECIALS ♥•~•♥ - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, COMMERCIAL&441)
sexy Italian baby doll ♡♡$pecials up all night big tan booty - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial and 441)
►N€W EXOTIC GIRL IN TOWN 7O Specials ★TOUCH M€ & T€Å§€ M€★ F€€L M€ ★ - 23
**NYOMYII KISSES** Is Back "Blacker The Berry Sweeter the Juice" 60 Special - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial 441)
--- NICKI --- Looks --- Better --- !N --- Person --- (SEXY PETIT WHITE GIRL) - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial && 441 (INCALLS ONLY))
newest on the block *LADIE LUCK *SPECIALS* In calls only. FAT WARM & JUICY! 954.668.0292 - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial....&....441)
😀Ms.Pretty😀Tight😀Stay So Moisture😀 - 19
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Commercial Blvd and 441, Coral Springs, Deerfield, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Pompano, Sunrise)
🍒😘💦MS.RED🍒 New intown 50 spls all day🌞 long‼️ - 21
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Commercial and 441, Ft Lauderdale)
Sat 04 Jan
SiMpLy PuT wHaT sHe WoNt I wIlL !!! SlIaM jAmIcAn DeNa $pEcIaL ( InCaLlS oNlY ) - 18
(Ft Lauderdale, OCKLAND PARK BLVD WEST OF 441)
(` SmOkEn* HoT BabiE* DoNt* MiSs*OuT* 1o0% SaTiSfAcTion* ErOtiC* PlAyMatE`) HuGe BOOTY 1OO Special - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, (FT.LAUDERDALE (SUNRISE N 441)
(((((((((( SHEILA )))))))))) New Latina Hottie ... TILL LATE ... 9 5 4 - 7 9 1 - 4 3 9 4 - 24
(5126 SOUTH SR 7 .. Near Hard Rock Casino, Ft Lauderdale)
SExY, SoFt CuRvEs 4 YoUR pLeASuRE / PLuMP BooTy / NiCe FramE / JU!Cy LiPs / TOP NOTCH SKILLS - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial & 441)
sexy Puerto Rican mami Domination fetish friendly (private location)gentlemen only - 33
(Ft Lauderdale, hollywood Sheridan and 441)
SEXY SABRINA .. I want to have fun... Do you wanna join me ??? :-). Just call me 786-398-1875.. - 33
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial and 441)
SeXy* SmOoTh* ChOcOlAtE* (100%*) *50 60*70 (100%*) NeW PiCs ReAdY NoW ::::)))) - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Broward Blvd & 441 INCALLS Now....)
Sexy Chocolate very talented, skilled and upscale. 40 Special limited time only so call me now. .. - 21
(Broward Blvd @ 441, Ft Lauderdale)
💌∂яεαмs🔜 яεαℓιтy 💸💄SEXY lil BTCH💥B💣O💣M💣B💣S💣H💣E💣L💥 χтяєmєℓу💁BLESSED💸Foriεgn Freak🐝50Q - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, ⛅Commercial/441⭐❗Your Fav Girl Back!)
S U P E R **♥** H O T T♥ 50 SPECIALS - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial & 441)
S U P E R ** H O T T; 50 SPECIALS - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, COMMERCIAL & 441)
Plus sized Lewinski can make you forget about the rest! 😻💋💋💋💃🏽 Hotel INCALL Now! - 26
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Commercial and 441, Ft Lauderdale)
♥NubiaN~QueeN Is GuArAnTeEd .2. SaTiSfY! ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ Wednesday S P E C I A L ♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♥ - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, 441/Oakland Park Blvd (Hazel) 561-667-97)
_-**One Of Kind Sexy Curvey DiAmond {*50*70*} Diamond SPECIAL ;) - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial / 441)
o°•★ N€W P!©TUR€§ ~***~ ©¤M€ ©H€©K ¤UT TH!§ §€X¥ P€T!T€ §N¤WBUNN¥ ~***~ L@BO® D@¥ §P€©!@L. ★ - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Oakland Pk Blvd/ 441)
() () () () () () NEW THICK .. curvy chocolate .. HOTTIE () () () () () () - 18
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial 441)
(NEW) M0st WANTED **vERy skilled ***You'll L0VE !! What i can DO 4 U VISITNG TODAY - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, (Sunrise Blvd and 441 (Incall Only)))
New Busty, Big Booty, (Incalls & out calls) QT! IRRESISTIBLE.!1000% Real & New Pics~29~ - 29
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Commercial and 441)
*~^*~^ Ms BeAuTiFuL HeRe FoR YoUr PLeAsUrE AnD FuN 40 SpEciAL ^~*^~* - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, COMMERCIAL & 441)
(((Ms.Creamer))) $40 Special toO! (Incalls and Outcalls) - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial &441 or Outcalls)
$Ms.Juicy Booty!!!azzz for days!!!40$ SPECIAL - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, fort Lauderdale commercial nd 441)
~*~* Ms BeAuTiFuL iS HeRe AnD ReAdY To PLay 40 SpEciAL *~*~ - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, broward blvd and 441)
MONICA is back - COLOMBIA ___ 9548421719 ___ - 27
(Ft Lauderdale, Miami, WEST OAKLAND BLVD (Between 1-95 and 441), West Palm Beach)
morning 40special *•+flawless beauty*.*•yummy cupcake *.• 50for30min - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial/441)
M/F Couple 80 roses Laurie is D cup, luvs 2 men at once or just u NASTY fun be over 21 he;) - 47
(Ft Lauderdale, 595 & 441 private safe home)
🌹Mixed Latina🌹 Soft Sexy💋 Puerto Rican 💋Dominican Latina - 25
(Commercial Blvd 441 31st, Ft Lauderdale)