Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
Party like a = R-O-C-K-S-T-A-R ___ Like a = P-O-R-N * S-T-A-R ___ 100 = 100 =100 = 100 = 100 - 27
(Ft Lauderdale, Stirling Rd n 95/DOORZ OPEN)
Petite, Afternoon Delight ♥4'l0 Tasty Little Italian; Sweet & Discreet - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Pompano/ Deerfield Beach / Boca Area)
°o♥100% In DepEnDenT 100% REAL PICS 100 % CLASSY 100% 4 U♥°o - 23
(West Palm Beach, ** FORT LAUDERDALE **)
FrEaKy FriD@Ys -[.50.]~ {80$} !! [[ .In & Out. ]] ---!! [sWeeT. TiGHt. CuRvY] == - 23
(*Commercial In Calls * Out Calls to U*)
Thu 09 Jan
PAPI Come Inside and dont pull out! Cuban/Dominician Barbiee - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, incall @ hollywood outcall open)
Wed 08 Jan
Simply Stunning Brazillian Companion - 28
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, West Palm Beach, West Palm/Boca/Fort Lauderdale)
~~ 💋💄👙👄 Shhh!! Secret Special $25 Session @ Golden Eyes ~~ 954-657 ~8228 In-Call Service - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, 135 SW 6TH STREET, POMPANO BEACH)
Sexy!!Sexy!!Girls!! MYSTIC SPA..Specials!! Call 954 533 0392 - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, Oakland, 441,ft.lauderdale,boca ,w.palm)
•.♥: PeTiTe_ STUNNING ~ Hershey Kiss ~ EXOTIC _Goddess (ONE NITE IN TOWN) •.♥: - 23
PHENOMENALLY Beautiful Model with a sweet, positive and engaging attitude. Upscale Companionship! - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, mirimar, fort lauderdale , & wpb)
Outcall - Treat For A King :) Outcalls Only -Sammy - 26
(All of Broward, City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale)
Tue 07 Jan
Pecan Delight with alot of Booty on Board````azzz men look``` - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, tri-county in/out)
•—(Perfect) —•(Petite) —•(BRUNETTE) ♥80 INCALL SPECIALS TODAY!!! ♥ (Call Now) VIP treatment - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, University & 595)
*((SEXY))* (BROWN) *(HONEY))* ~ReADY TO RoCK YoUR WoRLD~100% AdDiCTiVE +FULL (PSE*/GFE*) Real Pics! - 23
Sensual CaT waiting for yr invite playful n ready! SexiLexi Outcall100 QV 140hh 200 hr! 9547060793! - 40
(Ft Lauderdale, Oakland park FT LAUDERDALE)
**!n Nd 0f S0m V!r~GIN T!g~HT k!TTY** C0m Rl!v Y0ur Strss & P@in @ftr @ L0ng H@rd D@y - 20
Sexy Lexy your girl next door with a wild side!! - 33
(West Palm Beach, Delray, Boca Raton, Palm Beach)
Sexy Brunette is my name )"v"( providing pleasure is my game - 29
(Ft Lauderdale, peters road & university)
Reviewed -blonde 34D- natural SPECIAL all day 100% real n recent pix or FREE - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood incall 80/100/140 out 125/180)
Romanian / Hungarian 21yo Golden Blond Escort Available for private sessions - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Beach)
PRIVATE Playmate -- Mature, Intimate, AND very private - 51
Mixed, Dominican / Jamaican 100% reall Me (( I can Take the load anywhere!!! )) - 22
Mon 06 Jan
🎀 Sexy, Slim & Sweet 🎀 Outcalls Only 🌹60🌹 Book Your Appt. Now💋 - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Lauderdale Lakes)
Sexy experienced playmate ready to please
(Florida Keys, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, In your arms ;))
💋💋💕S I M P L Y S T U N N I N G 💕💋💋🌟🌟$ 5 0 S P E C I A L S🌟🌟 - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Stiriling rd Incalls only)
PRIVATE Playmate-- Mature, Intimate and SO SEXY!! - 52
peTiTe coLLeGe hoTTie 🔥CaTcH tHis 1st cLaSS fLighT ✈️ To PaRadiSe 🌺 LasT DaY iN ToWn 💋 ReaL&ReVieWeD;💯 - 20
(Deerfield beach , Boca, Ft Lauderdale)
💋"Ƒʀom Swεεɫ TO Nαϋghɫÿ" .. 💎"A Pεʀfεcɫ Goʀgεoϋs Body" .. 💋"Onε Naɫϋʀal Smokϊn ʜoɫɫϊε" 60 Speci - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, HollyWood / Stirling Rd / OakWood Plaza)
☆☆New In Town HOt Sexy All Amercian Girl Next Door☆☆ - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, HOllyWood inCall/OutCall Bro)
naughty but nice MS. NOVA ***9542829526*** QUICK VISITS OKAY @ ***NOVA 9542829526*** - 35
(dade in&out; / broward out, Ft Lauderdale)
Mixxed Babe Up All Night ! &Creamy; Ready when you Are 100% REAL - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, STATE ROAD 7 (441) , Waiting for you)
SMOKIN HOT SUPERMODEL APRIL Is On And All I Want To Do Is PARTY Like A Rock Star With U !!!!! - 22
(fort lauderdale)
Slim💋 ___ ((Snow💎Bunny)) ___ 💄Very Submissive )OUT CALLS ONLY - 35
(All Broward, Boca, Ft Lauderdale, Pompano)
***Sexy Snowbunny Perfect 10 Treasure*** 60 specials* 302 669 7112 - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Cypress Creek & Andrews)
sexy justine ready to BL$W your mind tonight - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood florida incall and outcall)
💯💋💯 Real Pics Hot Staff OUR Prices are All-inclusive😁👍 No Hussling -Relax & Enjoy 💋💖💋561-508-2665 - 23
(4457 PURDY Lane Suite C Wpb, Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach)
Out call In call the absolute best, sexiest, and charming escort-call me to find out for yourself :) - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale)
New Sexy Ebony $60 Specials / 2 Freaky Girls Available Special $120 - 21
New Pics* Exotic,Yet slippery. NAughtY Girl ! Very LICKable !! Classy, & Clean (Incall only) - 21
** NaTuRaL BoRn SLUT! ** YoUnG FuN SeXy BrUnEttE! **Ex- GyMnAsT SmOkiN HoT BoDy! ** - 23
SISTERR SISTER !!! Come play with us!! Call or text me now 218-325-6323 - 20
(Fort lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach)
* * sEXY bEAUTIFUL * * * * sENSUAL * * * * kRYSTAL bABY * * * * i'M oN mY wAY! * * - 24
(All of PBC and All of Fort Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Pompano, West Palm Beach)