Mon 27 Jan
SOPHIA!- SEXY PRINCESS!-- PRETTY WOMAN! - 954-709-5582-- 100% real pictures - 39
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale)
💋💎 Sexy Upscale💄Playmate...👌 Ready 2 Please👑😘 $100 💲pecial - 28
(Deerfield, Ft Lauderdale, Incalls/Outcalls, Pompano)
☆♡Sexy Young Ebony Fetish Friendly ♡☆(60) - 21
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Commercial Blvd and 31 incalls/Outcalls, Coral Springs, Deerfield, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Pompano, Sunrise)
New Girl ♥ EVE ! Late Night Specials★Fetish Friendly - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft.Lauderdale, Pompano Incalls/Outcalls)
Sun 05 Jan
💋💦 Mesmer¡z¡ng M¡Nd Bl()w¡n Mandy!! 💯 REAL!!**INCALLS **OUTCALLS! 💦💋 - 25
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Deerfield, Deerfield INCALLS && Outcalls, Ft Lauderdale, Pompano)
NEW !! °x° —THiCK [°x°— So SExXY —°x°] &Wild; [°x°— ALL SpECiALs—°x°] Up ALL NIght - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Laud (In & Out) have It Ur way!)
Fri 03 Jan
*OOOooohhhh ( . )( . ):::{ BUSTY DoMiNiCaN ViXXXeN } w/ KiNkY INTenTionS!! 1OO%GFE. 1OO%me
New` New New petite Real Hawaiian Hottie ***Incalls only 60Specials - 18
(Ft Lauderdale, incalls Only)
Thu 02 Jan