Mon 27 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Outcall and car special! ANYTHING GOES! Call me for an amazing experience! 9546255857 - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Hollywood and us1)
🌹💸MS Pleasure exotic Hispanic ebony 786-389-2172 80 special incalls - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, pembroke and us1)
Sun 05 Jan
OnLy FrEaKy SeXii ItaLiaN wIt SpEcIaLs waiTiN fOr yOu! ..40&60 rOsE SpEciaL ALL NiGhT - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood and US1)
MoRnIN SpEcIaLs wit FrEaKy SeXii ItaLiaN waiTiN fOr yOu! ..40&60 rOsE SpEciaL ALL daY - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood and US1)
Sat 04 Jan
🌹💸MS Pleasure exotic Hispanic ebony 786-389-2172 60 special incalls - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Pembroke and us1)
Outcall and car special! ANYTHING GOES! Call me for an amazing experience! 9546255857 - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Hollywood and us1)
Thu 02 Jan
OnLy SuPeR FrEaKy SeXii ItaLiaN waiTiN fOr yOu b PlEaSeD..50&100 rOsE SpEciaL ALL NiGhT - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood and US1)