Sat 22 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
Sinfully Hot Sexy Busty 36D (Exotic Rubs,Kisses ,Mutual Pleasure , Conversation,N hugsn all Else) - 22
**** SKIN so SCRUMPTIOUS it TASTES LIKE COTTON CANDY *** " ALEA " the " Cuban Queen " !!!!!! - 32
(southwest ranches)
SEXY KINKy BLONDE KNOCKOUT!!!! G F E/ GR3E3K PRINCESS!! Real Pics **Available til Late Night
Sexy💋 Cuban💃 .•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* Beautiful !! Let me drive you wild!!! *•-:¦:-•*¨¨*• - Vanessa - 25
(Broward (with you), Ft Lauderdale)
SEXxY ((° *NeW* °BRUNETTE * ° *SEXY DOLL * ° ELITE! )) - 22
(State Rd 84/)
***SeNSuaL SwEEt BARBIE** ImpeCCaBle SErVice& AMAZING BOOTY*** (T)(O)(P) NOTCH 100% KInkY - 21
* * * * * S M O K i N -- H O T T * * * * * { DROP DEAD GORGEOUS } > > > > > PiN-Up DoLL < < < < < - 19
(Hollywood ***** Area)
( ReAL_PiC!! ) * ( SATiSFaCTION _ GUaRaNTEED!!) * (1o0% SeXY!!! ) * (100% FuN!!) - 24
(Commercial Blvd. IN/OUT!)
**RAINY DAY SPECIAL. Gorgeous Latin Girl. Sweet Young And Tight.Just How You Like It. Ultimate GFE** - 26
(my place)
PrIvAtE LoCaTiOn NO MoTeL * Curvy Mixed Diva * Extreme Kink All Fetishes Welcome - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, South Broward)
Porn Star 🔥🔥🔥 Erotic playmate 💦sasha cream💦👅 the best tonsils n the game - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Sunrise Commercial blvd, Cyress Creek Rd)
Pick this Exotic Hottie for a Very Different Experience! - 19
(Florida Keys, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach, In town)
PHENOMENALLY Beautiful Model with a sweet, positive and engaging attitude. Upscale Companionship! - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Miramar, Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale,)
***** CLASSY ***** SLUTTY ***** Wrapped together in this DDD M.I.L.F. ***** - 37
😍😍❤️Outcalls Only!! No Disappointment here! Sweet & Naughty, Ashey, in town now😍😍🌟🌟 - 23
(Broward, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood)
(P)EREFECT (E)XOT(I)C **BEAUTY*100% PuRe SATISFACTION *****5 STAR ServICe 2girl &Late; Night Special* - 21
"Party Girls Need a MAN" (954)882-9176 is LEAH she will record your acts or rob you she has HERPES - 43
(Rio Mar hotel rm 110)
â¢*¨¨*⢠*â¢Â°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE OUR SK!LLS ☆°o*â¢Â° â¢*¨¨*⢠- - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale)
"*'°*♥o ''°* _ Y_O_U_R __ #_1__ C_H_O_I_C_E __ 4__ T_O_N_I_G_H_T ♥o°* *°'*'''°* - - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, ..OUTCALLS....)
Dont Miss This RARE OPPORTUNITY... These Are The Final Days So Dont Miss Out!! - 22
(Broward to Dade)
***NEW RATES *** BEAUTIFUL*** VeRy FrEaKy ***iTaLiAn AnD PeRuViAn GrEEn EyEz LoNg BrOwN HaiR - 22
New straight from Orlando. Sexy Puertorican babe...Just for the weekend - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale incalls ONLY)
New New New C,U.M BreAk In This New BlonDe SLut!! HaRdCoRE ,PsE,GfE !!! *I* GoT *ThaT GooD *
(Outcall/ Incall)
NEW PICS!📷LoOKs👀Go0D👅Fe3Ls😻 EvEn💕BeTTeR!☆[🍭KANDI 🍬] [√¡ρ💥 BBW ρℓαγmα†ε] Thε Rεαℓ Dεαℓ! - 22
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Pompano Beach;Atlantic Blvd & 31St)
♛NeW~ EXoT!C→Rare Beauty←•¦:- §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P •-:¦:-•SuP€R JuICY -:¦:-• KiNKY Tr€aT ♛ - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, HOLLYWOOD ♥SEXY iNCaLLS♥)
100% Real Pics! ***NaUgHtY {{SPINNER}} CUM HaVE a BLAST!!!! LIMITED TiME ONLY!!! - 21
(Broward /Dade(INCALL)(OUTCALL))
New: Gorgeous, Natural D Cups, Long Legs, Friendly Attitude, Great Fun - 30
(Ft Lauderdale, In Call Boca; Out Call South Florida)
▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ NeW!▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ EYE C@NdY▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ JuSt▐ ▐ ►❤▐▐ ►@RRivED!▐ ▐ ► ▐ ►▐ ▐►❤ NeW HOTTIE! - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, outcalls)
((NeW)) ☆ CurVy EbOny PlumP (( RouNd BooTy )) ♥ ReAdY 2 gEt FrEaKy w/ YOU!!☆ - 23
(university & davie HOT GIRL incalls!!)
NEW GIRL( Sexy Exotic Island Spinner) Victoria Rose wants to provide( BEST of both worlds to you) - 22
NEW _= ♥ Satisfy ღ Your ღ Wildest ღ Desire ♥ NEW_ - 21
(Ft lauderdale/comercial blvd incalls/out)
█★ —NEW—— EXCLUSiVE!! ___ EXOTiC!!!__ AMAZiNG!!! ___ BoMBSHeLL!!! ———★ RoYAL TReATMeNT ★█ - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, FT LAUDERDALE {DAVIE})
NeW**::: ___ :::Beautiful::: ___ ::: EXotic ::: ___ :::MIX::: ___ :::**NeW - 25
(Hollywood, Hollywood blvd.)
NEW*____ B ____ e ____ A ____ u ____ T ____ i ____ F ____ u ____ L ____ NEW* - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood/Hallandale)
My FAUCETS is Leaking And I NEED a Plumber Right Now To Clog This Leak With A Thick Pipe
█▇▆▅▄▃▂ MOST ♥ FREAKY ♥ Fun ★ YOU ★ WilL ♥ EVER ♥ HAVE ▂▃▄Crystal - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Deerfield Incall everywhere outcall)
Sun 26 Jan
🌹Please Read My Ad Before Calllin Or Texting My Line💎Ready Now Incalls Only Now💎🌹NO OUTCALLS ONLY INCALLS......
( Hollywood)
🌹Please Read My Ad Before Calllin Or Texting My Line💎Ready Now Incalls Only Now💎🌹NO OUTCALLS ONLY INCALLS......
( Hollywood)
Sun 12 Jan
Sexy Tatted Hottie New To The Area Some1 Show Me A Good Time!! - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial & 441/Outcall Tri county)
Fri 10 Jan
$pEcial $PecIal $Pecial Come Look and see WHAT we Got TO Offer **** ProMise YOu Wont BE Mad *** - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, OUTCALLS ONLY)
★.•*¨P U T . . US - : ☆:-•* O N ------ Y O U R •-: TO ☆ D O . . . L I S T . . - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Luaderdale/Lauderdale by the sea)
Thu 09 Jan
*Perectly Stunning LiL Princess! RaRe PiNK & JuiCY LiKE FiLLeT MiNgIoN!! >>
Petite Latina Adult Movie Starlett SASHA BLEU! Available Today For A Limited Time Only! Book Now! - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, TRI-COUNTY)
PEtItE BloNdE (¯`★´¯) SeXy *n* KinKY LOOK @ ME (¯`★´¯) *Available NoW!!* - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, DEERFIELD)
~Petite, Sweet,& all natural~ Spend ur time with an experience u'll never 4get - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale Hollywood area)
Petite all natural BLONDE hottie with BLUE eyes 100% real pics!!!! - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, cypress creek)
{New in town}:*¨¨*: :CUTE BUNNY *:.♥ :*¨¨*:: ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS ::*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ - 22
((Boca Raton))
Wed 08 Jan
Sexy Busty Ebony 36D (More than Just Hands ,Mutual Pleasure ,Soft Lips, Passionate) (Summer Rates) - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, FT.LAUDERDALE)
Tue 07 Jan
█▄▀▄▀▄ ★★★★★ PeRfEcT CHoICE ★PLaYFuLL★KINKy ★SEXY ★ BLUE Eyed ★BLONDE-★ - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, DEERFIELD)
PERFECT LATINA 2 Keep You warm Lots of Curves, Fun & 50 $pecials - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial 441 / incall -outcall)
Sexy Busty Ebony 36D (Exotic Rub, Kisses ,Mutual Pleasure ,Conversation, Whip Cream,Toys) - 22
**SEXY & SEDUCTIVE** I AM a MUST SEE!! Blonde hair~BLUE eyed~ BEAUTY! 100% Real Pics! {GFE/]
S💨 M💨 O💨 K💨 I💨 N💨 G💨 🔥 Hot 💨GIRLS here NOW!💕 - 23
(450 S Military Trail West Palm Beach, City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach)
!!!NEW LOW RATES!!! *****BeAuTiFuL BeLLa LoNg BrOwN HaiR GrEEn EyEs ExOtiC N FrEaKy***** - 22
Sexy Lexy your girl next door with a wild side!! - 33
(West Palm Beach, Delray, Boca Raton, Palm Beach)
Sexy💋 Kinky💃 .•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* Beautiful !! Let me drive you wild!!! *•-:¦:-•*¨¨*• - Lexii - 25
(Broward (with you), City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale)
S ▓ U ▓ P ▓ E ▓ R ▓▓ H ▓ O ▓ T ▓ - ViSitInG - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, Davie / Plantation / in or Out ( 595 ))