Mon 27 Jan
PRETTY, SEXY, 36DD's AND SOOO EAGER TO PLEASE! Incalls on Ft. Lauderdale Beach - 100 Kisses - 40
Real Pics====== New===*===Sexy ===*===ASIAN ===*===PUERTO RICAN*===Sexy ===*===Sweet ======**======= - 23
///** Princess Sexy Slim That is Ready For Some Fun///** Incalls & Outcalls - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Broward & I95)
QAULITY COMPANIONSHIP~ One of A Kind % Beauty! B(o)(o)Bies & Phat B(o)(o)Ty ☆♡◇ $peci@Ls ☆ - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, incalls/outcalls)
REAL GFE EXPERIENCE --Exotic & Sexy Dominican Busty 34D GFE REAL SexY DELICIOUS UPSCALE Companion!
(FORT LAUDERDALE-Incall/Outcall)
((ReaL BuSty GFE)) ---> ((ReaL PiCs)) ---> JuiCy DoMiNiCaN MiXx BeAuTy ----> 100% GR3E3K PLeAsUrE!
Quality over Quantity 15/20 minutes 60 Outcall Specials/ in call Specials!!!! - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Deerfield/ Boca incalls/outcalls Upscale)
(*)(*) PRIVATE GET AWAY incall/outcall specials (*)(*) * real pics - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, your place r my place)
PRETTY, SEXY, 36DD's AND SOOO EAGER TO PLEASE! Incalls on Ft. Lauderdale Beach - 100 Kisses - 44
PRettY YoUnG ThInG!! Pix ArE Me& ReCeNt!! Incalls/Outcalls - 24
(Coral Way, Florida Keys, Ft Lauderdale, INCALL/OUTCALL, Miami, West Palm Beach)
♡♥♡ ~~Princess Jazmine looking for her Prince~~ ♥♡♥ »——» - 23
(West Palm Beach, greenacres/ wellington/ PGA/ west palm)
PROBLEM?? Call Me PROBLEM SOLVER!! I like to KISS my BODY is CLEAN $100specail $70specail $50specail - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale,Hollywood blvd,Anywhere)
PRETTY, SEXY, 36DD's AND SOOO EAGER TO PLEASE! Incalls on Ft. Lauderdale Beach - 100 Kisses - 45
PlaYbOy PlaYmATe ***SEXY , SINGLE AND READY 4 U *** come & get it boys - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, ForT LAUDERDALE)
♥♡□■》》POpular soft sweet CREAMY FIRM curvy EXOTIC HOT & up till 6am - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, fort lauderdale boca davie plantation)
PornStar Mouth👑36DD✅ ⓢⓞⓕⓣ ⓒⓤⓡⓥⓔⓢ💎✨UpscaLe F l a w l e s s💕👑🐝💯%R⃣E⃣A⃣L⃣ - 22 - 23
(Downtown, Miami, Outcalls and incalls)
$pecial$ $tart @50 ADULT ACTRESS Hot Dominicana All night Long !!! - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, hollywood / i-95 / incalls / outcalls)
*-:¦:* PlAy BoY BunNy¨*-:¦:* EyEcAnDy-:¦: SliM WiTh Ass - 21
(((Visiting))Ft. laud/Hwood (786)499-7065)
‼️ 💋 🍒 🌹 💋_______Petite ~ Sensual ~ Mixed Butterscotch Ebony_______💋 ❤️ 🍒 💋 ‼️ - 30
(Ft Lauderdale, Sunrise/Sawgrass (Nob Hill Rd & Sunrise))
***(( PLEASURE Beyond MEASURE **)) SweeT EroTIC 100% REal afternoon specials $100 - 22
(Outcalls & Incalls)
💋PinkStr@wBerry😍💋Get U Some👅💦 - 24
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Pompano, Sunrise)
❤Party Girl⭐HOT HOT HOT⭐❤⭐420⭐❤ - 24
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, outcalls everywhere // incalls off i95)
✿petite✿▬▬▬▬ ✿sexy▬▬▬▬ KENTUCKY SOUTHERN COMFORT✿✿✿ - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Aventura Hallandale)
💖💖 $PEcIALS oN InCALLS $$ 🌟🌟 InCall Specials 🌟🌟 Attractive-MILF💖💖 $ INCALLS 💖💖 $PECiALs - 40
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls - Outcalls -Ft Lauderdale)
😈💋🌹Outcalls& Incalls * 561-907-4120**NeW LaTiNa GiRl iN ToWn** - 20
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Miami Beach, Miami, Miami Beach)
$peciaLs ★ ★ ★ BEAUTIFUL______ %ErOt!C ______ %FUN ______ %CL@SsY_______ ♛B@rB!E ★ ★ ★ $peCiaLs - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, InCalls/OutCalls)
▬▬▬▬ $PEcIALS oN OutCall ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ OutCallsSpecials ▬▬▬▬Attractive-MILF ▬▬▬ $OUTCALLS ▬▬▬▬$PECiALs - 42
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls - Outcalls -Ft Lauderdale)
❤Party Girl⭐HOT HOT HOT⭐❤⭐420⭐❤ - 24
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, outcalls everywhere // incalls off i95)
OUTCALLS SPECIAL !!!!! ♥♥ BADDEST WITH THE BEST ※÷××\ . Must See 7869236017 - 21
(Plantation, ft lauderdale)
Outcalls 7542147786 📱💻out calls available now 🍒💦💦Slim thick+1 (754) 214-7786 - 23
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, NW. 19th St., Lauderhill)
**Outcall & Incall Special** (ExTrEmLy SeXy) PaNaMaNiAN ExOtIc MiX FlAt StOmAcH & A BoTtOm 2 DiE 4 - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial, Margate, Coral Springs)
👙💖💋💎$peci@L$$ &+ natural redhead (blue eyes) GORGEOUS PLAYMATE 🇱🇰🇪🇳🇩 - 25
(Federal & Atlantic, Ft Lauderdale)
😈💋🌹OUTCALLS & INcalls* 5619074120* - 20
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, Miami Beach, Striling and i95 ,Miami Beach,Hollywood)
OutCall Specials *•____ ★.•o°•* I'M SoOoOo YuMMY * •°o•. ★_____.• ´¯) OutCall Specials - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood HardRock Casino Mirmar)
O.U.T.C .A.L..L.S. call me iwana Play in yur Bed tonight i,ll Take Good care you!! - 40
**Outcalls and Incalls Early Morning ** Extremely Experienced ** Available Now ** - 45
(Ft Lauderdale, Plantation)
*OOOooohhhh ( . )( . ):::{ BUSTY DoMiNiCaN ViXXXeN } w/ KiNkY **_ INTenTionS!! 1OO%GFE. 1OO%me
!(Oh So ExTrEmLy SeXy)! PaNaMaNiAN ExOtIc MiX FlAt StOmAcH & A BoTtOm To DiE 4 (Incalls & Outcalls) - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Strling, Hollywood, Pines)
***** outcall incall special ***** o ♥o° HERE _T0_ TAKE YOUR °o ♥o° BREATH °o ♥o° - 18
(Miami, outcalls/incalls miamigardens)
o NW I N T O W N ★ NATURAL bautiful BRUNETTE o ★ o - 19
★•°o°•★ B€ÅUTiFUL ★•°o°•★ EXOTIC★•°o°•★ sexy& FUN★•°o°•★ PLAYMAT€ ★•°o - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, w.sunrise)
★ —NONRUSHED!!!__ SPANISH ASIAN!! ___ HOTTIE!!! — 150 special —★ AVAILABLE NOW!! CALL ME ;) - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, cypress creek In & Outcall)
🌟 O * N * E ______ Of ______ A ______ K * I * N * D ______ BE@UTY 🌟 - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, InCalls/OutCalls)
not like the rest, holy moly see for yourself. - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, West Palm)
NEWW F R E A K Y T R E A T - - 80 SPC - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale// Incalls // outcalls)
🎉🎉N.o 1 pic4⃣Ebony loverS💗💚 the Créme de la crème all American Natural available for inCaLLS💄👠 - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Broward&95/incalls/outcalls requested!)
NEW☆*It'S PLaYTiMe GeNTLEMeN So Lovable & KISSABLE Super SEXY 100 SPeCiALS★ - 22
New Sexy Ebony GFE Spinner - Caribbean Beauty Seeking Regulars - Brand New Hour Specials - 22
(Miami Beach to Ft Lauderdale)
New to BP! Y0uNg *new* MODEL♥ ReAL PiCs SOO HOT!!!* ::CaLL Me;: 150$$$ SOHOT.!! - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Outcalls & Incalls!!!)
***NEW RATES *** BEAUTIFUL*** VeRy FrEaKy ***iTaLiAn AnD PeRuViAn GrEEn EyEz LoNg BrOwN HaiR - 22
NEW UP TO DATE PICTURES !!! SEXY CUBAN AVAILABLE NOW and all nite come see me baby !!!!! - 21
(outcalls and incalls !!!!!!)
NeW to DANiA -- SeXXy LiL ReDHeaD ♥ PreTTy FaCE; SLiM WaiST; BooTY 4 DaYS !! TueSDaY $peCiaL - 19
New to BP! Y0uNg *new* MODEL♥ ReAL PiCs SOO HOT!!!* ::CaLL Me;: 100$$$ SOHOT.!! - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, * 347/687/9884 * incall & outcalls)
🎀New To Biz🎀 Exotic Freaky Model🎀 Call Now Don't Wait🎀
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls & Outcalls in ft Lauderdale)
💌New To Biz💌 Sexy Model Barbie 💋$80 Special💋My Photos Are Real💋 - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls & Outcalls in ft Lauderdale)
New to BP! Y0uNg *new* MODEL♥ ReAL PiCs SOO HOT!!!* ::CaLL Me;: 150$$$ SOHOT.!! - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Outcalls & Incalls!!! PLantation)
New New New C,U.M BreAk In This New BlonDe SLut!! HaRdCoRE ,PsE,GfE !!! *I* GoT *ThaT GooD *
(Outcall/ Incall)
NEW° o o° GoRgEoUs ° o &; o° SeXy ° o ; o PlaYmaTeS ° o - VISITING !! ° 50 SPECIAL - 25
(Fort. lauderdale Fl.)
new New neW°•°♥ •° •:¦:- SeNSuaL -:¦:- SeXY -:¦:- SiNFuL -:¦:- SeDuCTioN -:¦:• - - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, glades rd)
NEW IN TOWN! * Corporate Professional, Busty & Sexy by Nature * FOR THE MATURE CROWD ONLY - 26
(Prebooked in/out for all South Fl)
* NEW IN TOWN *°♥°__ O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N _°♥* 1OO SPECIALS - 22
(oakland park & andrews)
___{{ NEW Party Babes }} _ 👑 _ { Busty Blonde & Exotic Friend }} _ ❤_ {{ Amazing Bodies } __ 24/7 - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls & Outcalls Tri County 24/7)
NEW in TOWN 💕 💝 💕 Malasia 💕 💝 💕 💕 Cali Girl 💕 Juicy & Plump 💕 35/40/60 Going home specials! - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, incalls on commercial blvd & outcalls)
New Girls $80 Special Petite, Gorgeous, Blonde. MONTANA 954 549 3033 $80 Special - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, East Hollywood Downtown Ramada)
NeW GirLS In ToWN ____SpeCiaLs NeW GiRL In ToWN __ LeTs HaVe Some FuN - 20
(Broward incalls outcalls tri county)
New Incall in Hollywood!!! 2 Girl Specials!!! Half Hour Specials Today Only!!! - 33
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood)
..... New Girl In Town. ...Sexy, , Blonde, Bunny...:) Ready & Waiting!!!!!! OUTCALLS only!! - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood/Ft Lauderdale)
New Girl Gorgeous Blonde Sweet VEGAS 954 558 3808 CALL NOW FOR FUN - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, East Hollywood Downtown)
(New) Hot ViXeN (B0dY Of A GoDeSS) EyecAnDy WiTh A YuMmY ApPle BoTtOm - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, (New ) Ft. Laud INCALLS & OUTCALLS AVAIL)
* (New GorGeoUs EdonY) ★¯`':¦:- ( ErOtic ) ★ ¯`':¦:- (PlAyMaTe)* - 21
(In&Outcalls;/West Palm Beach)
NEW GIRL $$$PECIALS ☆☆☆ Curly Hair FREAK ☆☆☆ SO S* € * X * ¥ - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale Incalls/Outcalls)
New: Gorgeous, Natural D Cups, Long Legs, Friendly Attitude, Great Fun - 30
(Ft Lauderdale, In Call Boca; Out Call South Florida)
(NeW) GirLs in TowN (Gfe) _________ (NeW GirLs)________ Be ThE FirST To ExPerienCE ___SpeCiaLs - 21
(Ft Laud Incalls & Outcalls Tri County)
NEW GIRL IN TOWN👄 💟(Petite)💟 DonT Miss Me While Im HERE 💕💕 - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale incalls & Outcalls)