Mon 27 Jan
SNOW BUNNY ready to play 💋👅😉SUNDAY SPECIALS in Deerfield NEW PICS! (incalls only) - 18
(Ft Lauderdale, Deerfield beach only❤)
"SHE WoN`T dO IT "CaLL me. Ask about SPEcIAls for INCALLS. - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, ft.lauderdale,coral springs)
SeXy SLiM AND PreTTy Ebony ****** READY TO PleAsE Y o U 60 SpeCiaLs - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial & 441)
»»» SEXY Sensual Spanish Goddess ««« UNAVAILABLE - 32
(Ft Lauderdale, incalls ONLY- hollywood blvd and I95)
--DADDY'S *-:¦:-* LITTLE *-:¦:-* GIRL *-:¦:-* GONE *-:¦:-* SUPER *-:¦:-* WILD!-- - 20
SeXy lil thing... ALWAYS a pleasure! I aim to please! Garunteed! - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, a1a/atlantic/pompano)
SeXy GoDDeSS At YoUr SeRvIcE**60 & 80 RoSeS 2 Gurl Specials 120 Candy Shop Open 24/7 (954)213 2711 - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial/31st/Ft. Lauderdale)
*~•°*~•°*~ Sexy Exotic Diamond..Lemmie FullFill ALL Your Dreams & Fantasies!! ~•°*~•°*~•°* - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Broward & 441)
Sexy Available Latinas "Incalls Only" pilar & linda good specials Call Now 7542206144 - 25
Sexy Available Latinas "Incalls Only" linda & selena good specials Call Now 7542206144 - 25
sexy *-:¦:- *Asa *-:¦:-** of *-:¦:-* Spades *-:¦:-* Incalls*-:¦:- - - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, commerical n us1)
sexy *-:¦:- *Asa *-:¦:-** of *-:¦:-* Spades *-:¦:-* Incalls*-:¦:- - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, 31 commerical)
Sexy Available Latinas "Incalls Only" daniela & katy good specials Call Now 7542206144 - 25
Sensationable Specials -Outcall and Incalls Specials! - 33
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, hollywood)
seXY 2 GIRL SpECIAL!!!!! KANDI MARTINI incall/outcall - 18
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale...Miami... Hollywood)
Seductive hazel eyed brunettes;) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED; 2 girl Specials all night ! - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, boca raton & surrounding areas)
°°° *S(0;0) B@DD* °°* GO!N HOM GL@D!!!,°° WhO W@NT$ To H@N& OuT W!t M°°M$*HONY*B - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, commerical /441)
REAL 📷💖no Bait&Switch; 💖$100 new client SPECIAL❕5'9 Reviewed Eye Candy🍬🍭 (incalls) ☎AVAIL 24/7 - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, ft lauderdale i95 incall Only👋)
💯% Real💎 Early Morning🎶 $100 Special💜Lola💜 The 💜Portuguese 💜Princess👑 - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft. Lauderdale Beach, Commercial Blvd.)
*** RED BADD!!! ***~N3w p!c$~ NO RUSH Exotic Red {50 & 70 Specials} - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, griffin rd / Hollywood)
⚡️REDHEADS⚡️Do it Better Baby!!! Why don't you come over and let me fulfill your wildest fantasy!!! - 27
(fort Lauderdale, DANIA, hollywood, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood)
😍REAL PICS....BIG BOOTIE Petite BaBe with pretty now specials INcalls & OUtcalls✨💜💜💜� - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, hollywood incalls an outcalls)
$$Pretty Eyez... I'll B Your Freak Special $60(Incalls only) **** $$60|80|120$$ Specials - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, West of Sunrise & I-95)
Quick 50Roses Specials Only For Tonight 100% Real HURRY CALL NOW INCALLS ONLY - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial 441)
Puerto Rican/ Filippino ExOTiC Mixed TaStY ApPlE bOtToM((VeRy ExCluSiVe)) - 20 - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft. Laud {A1A} Incalls Specials 100% MEE)
* Playmate`* -Sexy Brittany- *`Playmate`* A-V-A-L-I-B-L-E Specials call Now - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial && 441 (INCALLS ONLY))
PlAyTimE nEvEr BeEn So FuN sPaNiSh MOnA 50 SpEcIAl - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, WEST OF OAKLAND PK FROM 441)
**$80** Visiting REVIEWED PeTiTe YoUnG ♥BLUE EYED BLONDE♥ GiRL-NeXt-DoOr **$80** - 21
(fort lauderdale incalls)
💖💖 $PEcIALS oN InCALLS $$ 🌟🌟 InCall Specials 🌟🌟 Attractive-MILF💖💖 $ INCALLS 💖💖 $PECiALs - 40
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls - Outcalls -Ft Lauderdale)
👙💖💋💎$peci@L$$ &+ natural redhead (blue eyes) GORGEOUS PLAYMATE 🇱🇰🇪🇳🇩 - 25
(Federal & Atlantic, Ft Lauderdale)
NÄUGHTY¡¡ HOTT¡€ * ——— * EBØNY ÄDD¡©T¡ØN * ——— *¡M €V€RYTH¡NG UR LØØK¡NG 4* ($60$ S P E © ¡ A L S - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, East Oakland pk ((Private Safe Incalls))
o°•❤° ★ 100% █ * B : : A : : D _ ✖ _ G : : I : : R : : L * █ ★ Incall Specials •°o ☎954-934-6994☎ - 18
NÄUGHTY¡¡ HOTT¡€ * ——— * EBØNY ÄDD¡©T¡ØN * ——— *¡M €V€RYTH¡NG UR LØØK¡NG 4* ($60$ S P E © ¡ A L S - - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, East Oakland pk ((Private Safe Incalls))
♥o°* _Y_O_U_R __ #_1__ C_H_O_I_C_E __ 4__ T_O_N_I_G_H_T ♥o°* 100 Special - 21
(FT. Laud AirPort incalls)
NOthiNg Better than NEW AZZ. "NAtural" SEXY pHat AZZ. ask about specials for .incalls - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, pompano,coral springs)
NEWBIE Do You Need a Girl Who Will Do It YOUR Way? *iNcAllS* 2 GIRL SPECIALS - 25
(100 INCALLS / 150 2 GIRLS)
NEW PICS ***** Ms.CANDY ***** My SpEciAls $50$80$100 (Incalls.. Wilton Manors) - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, *Wilton Manors*)
New in Town!!( $60 specials) Get a Wow experience with Nugget a Mixed Mami!! - 21
NeW -:¦:-_S_E_X _Y •-:¦:-•__ H_O_T_T_I_E ____+ A +___ M_U_S_T_ • •__ S_E_E _ - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls Only Specials!! Coral Springs)
NeW BoOtY LoVerS DReAm ! >> StAlLiOn..SuPEr ThIcK ApPle BotTom %BuBble AzZ% WoW! SPeCiALs.. 60 - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial and 441)
Ms.Becky Available Now. Specials & (Incalls only)) 60 specials - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Stirling Rd , Hollywood)
Sun 26 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
SLIPPERY Like the OCEAN.CoMe HELP ME OUT. ask about specials for .incalls - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, ft.lauderdale,coral springs)
Sat 11 Jan
Outcalls Available Now *¨ .. SPECIAlS with A MIxED BEAuTY-•*¨¨*•. I'm ALL YoU NEeD ☆ :outcalls- - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Incalls on Broward Blvd ☆Available, Sunrise)
Sexy Upscale Beauty. Available now! Gentleman ONLY!) Incalls & Outcalls$Specials - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, N Lauderdale)
Fri 10 Jan
She Got dhaTt miLLioNDollar ooh ooh ooh! PaRiS {INCALLs} CaLL (9546305799) - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial&95)
Thu 09 Jan
👑Shhh. I Know Damnn Sexy👑Last Day Avail.Specials 🆕 ft. Lauderdale🆕 - 27
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, 💞💞Sunrise💞Tamarac💎Commercial Blvd💎)
Sexy Vixen i need a STALLION to break me THREE SPECIALS call now - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, 31 commerical FT LAUDERDALE INCALLS ASAP)
Wed 08 Jan
Sexy♥Thick♥ ill leave you satisfied ♥ Im All you need $$ Monday specials ((incall and outcall)) - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood wood fl)
SLIP "N" SLIDE into Some WARM juicy GOODIES Fettishes Friendly INCALL Specails 24hours - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale state Rd.84 ANYWHERE)
Pheonix Tuesday Happy Hour Specials 12pm-7pm! Incalls only Us1&se17th; causeway - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, My place...Us1&Se17thcauseway;)
Petite, Tight Ebony Princess, Ft Laud/ Hollywood/ Hallandale/ N Miami 100qk 150hh roses Neg - 19
(Hallandale/Hwd/Nmiami, Miramar)
Tue 07 Jan
▓ ▒ New in ToWn ▒ ▓ ÅDDI©+!V € SPECIALS ⇨UPSCALE ⇨tatted ~>CALL ME ;-) - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, commercial and 441/ turnpike/95)
SUPER BOWL WEEKEND SPECIALS !!! availale for outcalls tonight AND INCALLS TOMORROW!! available !! - 21
SeXy GoDDeSS At YoUr SeRvIcE**60 Rose And 2 Gurl Specials Candy Shop Open 24/7 (954)213 2 Tt - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Commercial/31st/Ft. Lauderdale)
`•. ____ ★.•o°•* I'M SoOoOo YuMMY * •°o•. ★_____.• ´¯) - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Sheridan Hard Rock Casino)
♥::: NEW INTOWN!! ----->> *»- ($50 SPECIALS) * »- :::♥ ( 100% INDEP./36DDz) 24-7 INCALLS - 24
Mon 06 Jan