Mon 27 Jan
OMG !! $40 ... $40 ... I Do It in-My-B--- & my Answer is always YES ... YES. All Night Long. - 25
(My HOME in Palm Beach)
(Ft Lauderdale, Broward Blvd & 441)
(Ft Lauderdale)
Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy sexy - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, ft lauderdale Dania beach Hollywood sunr)
Sexy Mature Diana is a Brunette Bombshell Visiting Fort Lauderdale! - 35
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort lauderdale)
.·´¯ ·.·´¯ ·..·´¯ ·. .SeXy ☆ ßRuNTT ☆ HoT ☆ ßoDy .·´¯ ·..·´¯ ·.·´¯ ·.. - 23
(595 & PiNe iSLaNd Rd)
👑💄💫№➊ SeXy🌟 MiXed BoMbShElLS 💖✦❣ 💯% ➜RARE💦 【HIGHLY SKILLED 😏📲 ♠️•Killer BODY•♠️✨👙 - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Stirling 95)
Sexy Ladies Available Now! Broward Beach Bunnies has the Sexy Ladies!! - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Upscale Fort Lauderdale Incall)
SEXY HOT YOUNG MODELS ! available now !!! SEXY AND READY FOR FUN ! come see me baby! - 21
Sexy horny Ebony Chocolate bubbly booty here to satisfied your needs OUTCALL SPECIAL 🎉🎊😏💋 - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, Outcall)
SEXY BLONDE Available For HOT BODY RUBS!! $130 INCALL-Ft. Lauderdale - 30
(Ft Lauderdale, FT. LAUDERDALE)
Sexy chicas 🍒🍒 9544953466 Hot Latinas - 24
(995 east oakland park blvd, City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale)
S E X Y 🍭🍭 I'm the Cure 🌟 to your B l o n d e Addiction 🎀 B o m b s h e l l ☎️ - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale)
S e X y ★ L a T i N a ★ P r I n C e S s Specials!!! all day - 21
(Ft Lauderdale, COMMERCIAL AND 441)
s e n s u a l ♣ ♦ ♠ s e d u c t i v e ♣ ♦ ♠ ♥ E V E R Y T H I N G . .U . . N E E D .♣ ♦ - 25
(Ft Lauderdale, outcall/incall)
Russian and Armenian great stress relief satisfaction fun fun fun - 27
(Cypress Creek and 95, Ft Lauderdale)
💯% Real💎 Late Night🎶 $100 Special 💜HALEY💜 my home 💜Princess👑 - 25 - 25
(commercial and 95 my home, Ft Lauderdale)
Ready to start your day off right come be amazed (specials) - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood blvd / Fort Lauderdale/Miami)
Ready For Sensual Royal Treatment!!! Were your Needs Is My Satifaction;-) - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood/Miramar)
real cuban chick name spirit Spcl (60( spcl - 20
(Ft Lauderdale, fort lauderdale/commercial blvd & 441)
Read all about it: Sexy Kitten is out of her cage. Katria (561) 306-3791 - 26 - 26
(Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, out calls only)
Quality over Quantity!!! Specials!!! 60ROSE 15/20 minutes incall Only!! I'm a waterfall!!! - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Deerfield- Boca- Broward outcalls💋)
*_PReTTY *_* PeTiTe EBONY *_* SWeetHeaRT *_* Back in Town *_* BeST of the BeST_* ((1OO $peCiaL))__ - 24
Pretty Petite Caramel Dominican and Black Beauty INCALLS COUNTY LINE RD,
(Miami - Ft Lauderdale COUNTY LINE RD)
PeRKY DD's ROuNd BuBble BuTt* EbOny * KiLlEr CuRVES* SpEcIalS*I AnSwEr In LiNgErIE - 21
(Hollywood Private Location/INCALLS ONLY)
*-:¦:* PlAy BoY BunNy¨*-:¦:* EyEcAnDy-:¦: SliM WiTh Ass - 21
(((Visiting))Ft. laud/Hwood (786)499-7065)
Petite Blonde independent Hottie!!! Up All Night Long!!! Outcalls Only!!! - 20
Petite and Discrete, Sexy & Independent..💕Just what your looking for!! - 23
(Broward County (Ft Lauderdale), City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale)
Overnight Hours $50 ! ! ** Weekday Sp** Independent ** Available Anytime ** - 45
(Ft Lauderdale, Davie, Plantation, Fort Lauderdale)
😈💋🌹Outcalls& Incalls * 561-907-4120**NeW LaTiNa GiRl iN ToWn** - 20
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood, Miami Beach, Miami, Miami Beach)
Outcall Specials - In Town For A While ~ Outcalls Only- Taylor - 26
(All of Broward, City of Ft. Lauderdale, Deerfield, Ft Lauderdale, West Palm Beach)
Outcall Available ANYWHERE 💄🌹 . Exotic 👅 & JUICY 💦 🍭💋 - 22
(Deerfield Boca Coral Springs Margate, Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood)
PATTY , PETITE GIRL ,,LATINA DO IT Better!!!. SEXY & SENSUAL!!! Come see ME .754-779-9908 - 27
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale, FT. LAUDERDALE)
(Ft Lauderdale, FoRt LauDerdaLe/ CoMMeRciAL bLvD)
°o© °✰*¨¨* BLONDE*¨¨* ADDICTION *¨*¨* [CLICK HERE]°o© °✰ - 23
(Ft Lauderdale, Pompano or to you)
Nothing comes to a sleeper but a dream... . . .{786-219-7836} available now??? of course I am...
★ New Sexy Russsian Girl ★ Brazilian ★Hot NEW Asian ★ Hot Sicilian ★ And More - 19
(Ft Lauderdale, BRWD INCALLS or Will Go2 U)
NEW GIRL .. S H E I L A ... Sexy Latina Bomshell ...3 0 5 .. 2 2 5 .. 4 0 4 0 - 26
(City of Ft. Lauderdale, Doral, Florida Keys, Ft Lauderdale, Miami, NORTH MIAMI .. KENDALL AREA, West Palm Beach)
💋New In Town 🌺Dyemond 💋💋Staten Island$ finest💋💋Let Me Kiss It For You🌺🌺 - 21
(Deerfield, Ft Lauderdale, Hillsboro,SW 12th, Right off I-95 Incall)
👑New in the state 💋👑BabyDoll 😌💁🏼 Dominican is here 💋👀💕😘 - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Pompano, Pompano Beach)
**** NEW GIRL IN TOWN****!! Available NOW !! private n discreet! sexy *_* sussy 786 521 4395 - - 21
🍒 NEW 🍒 678-860-5873 🔥 Long Legs 🌹 Gorgeous 🌹 Amazing Skills!!! SPECIALS all night long ☎️ - 22
(Ft Lauderdale, Ft Lauderdale (Incalls))
********Need Some Pampering? I Have Just The Thing!!!!!!!!! ********i> - 43
(Ft Lauderdale, Commecial and 441)
NAUGHTY, WiLD & WeTtt _ SExXxY & PeTiTe _ NiCe n' TiGhT __ * B _L _O _N _D _E * - 19
(cypress creek and 95)
Natural "D's", Cute Face, & a Tiny Waist Hillsboro and 95, 954 297 3231 - 27
(Ft Lauderdale, Hillsboro and 95 in Deerfield Beach)
Sun 12 Jan
💦Sexy, Sweet, and Sassy🔥🔥...Very Clean and Classy🌟✨ - 21
(Dania beach , Hollywood ect .., Ft Lauderdale)
🍦🌟🌟 💞💞💞 💕🌼 Slim Sexy PETITE 💕💕💕 Chocolate 💕💞 B E A U T Y 🍦🌟🌟 💞💞💞 💕🌼 - 21
(Broward County, Ft Lauderdale)
**!!! SEXY Little Thing !!! Ready4 Anything !! Call4specials*** - 24
(Ft Lauderdale, Pompano Broward area in/out calls)
Sat 11 Jan